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Thursday, January 20, 2011

Real life of a Fulltime RVer

It's not all fun and games.  Today for instance, Chris cleaned the 200 sq. ft. of carpeting.  She had been putting this off for about 6 months.  Why?, we don't know.  Maybe she thought it wouldn't do any good or that it would be too hard on her old knees. 

Anyway, she used some Resolve carpet cleaner.  It was very easy and only took about 30 minutes.  Now she is waiting for it to dry, hence a blog entry about the mundane side of RVing.

Many days, Chris and Alex do nothing or as little as possible. On days that we do nothing, we are reading, watching TV, playing games on the computer, knitting or beading, walking the dog, cooking, and one of our favorites, sitting in the captain chairs up front watching the world go by, usually with a beer and/or a glass of wine. 

There are many days that we have to do things like cleaning the inside or outside of the motorhome.  When you are living in 400 sq. ft. it can get very dirty, very quickly.  The biggest problem in our lifestyle has to be clutter.  Chris is most guilty of this offense.  She picks up paper everywhere.  Paper about towns, counties, States, parks, campgrounds, hikes and what to do, where to go and what to eat there. 

One of our least favorite things to do is paperwork stuff and having to make phone calls to get things done.  Paying bills, dealing with insurances, taxes, various accounts, getting things fixed and things that you have to wait on hold on the phone forever.  This kind of stuff always seems to put us in a bad mood.  We have to do something about that.  The good news on this front is, that since we no longer live in a house and we got rid of our boat and other things that create this kind of frustration, we don't spend as much time doing these kinds of things as we use to and we certainly have fewer bills. 

We know RVers who are out hiking and sight seeing every day.  We can't even keep up with their blogs, much less their lifestyle.  We just don't know how they find the time to do all the everyday things. 

Maybe as time goes by we will get better at organizing our "stuff to do".   OK, that probably won't happen. 
But one thing we are sure of,  we love this lifestyle and wouldn't trade it for anything. 

Back to doing nothing.

1 comment:

  1. You'll probably start doing more "stuff" once you're settled in. At first the everyday stuff is interesting and/or difficult, and then it gets boring so you start doing other things. At least, that's how it is whenever I move anywhere. I don't start doing museums or anything like that until I actually get all my boxes unpacked, pictures up and accounts going.
