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Sunday, December 5, 2010

Falling Rivers State Park and Great Oaks Plantation

We went to visit Marianna, Florida, where Chris lived when she was a little girl.  Her father was a flight simulator instructor at an Air Force Base there in the fifties.

We stayed about 30 miles away at Falling Rivers State Park.  It's a small park but it packs a lot in.  For one, they have SINKHOLES!!!  Cool.   The campground was comfortable under trees with lots of spanish moss.  It brought back many memories for Chris.  We enjoyed walking the boardwalks around the sinkhole area.  Pictures below.

We went into Marianna and visited a few neighborhoods where Chris lived.  We think we found one of the houses she lived in. 

We then went toward a small town called Greenwood.  There, we found Great Oaks Plantation.  Chris lived there when she was very little.  However, when she lived there, the Plantation had not been restored as it is now and was a bit of a mess, but her parents must have found it interesting. Chris, and her sister, Poco, sure had fun running around the place.  The pictures below tell a story, and in one, there is a picture of Mrs. Reese.  She and her husband are responsible for the restoration.  She is a lovely, gentle, southern lady.  Chris had a nice talk with her about the house.  As usual, click the link, select "slide show" and hit F-11 on your computer to enlarge the screen. 

Pics of Sinkholes:  http://picasaweb.google.com/ChrisTorrance/FallingRiversStatePk02?authkey=Gv1sRgCL2DmrDgpqGeBA#

Pics of Great Oaks:  http://picasaweb.google.com/ChrisTorrance/GreatOaksPlantation?authkey=Gv1sRgCIWXre63jIigrgE#

1 comment:

  1. Great photo's. What's the temperature like, I see you're in jeans. Hope all is well. Give a big hug to Pilot.
