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Saturday, October 2, 2010

Orchard Beach and Kennebunkport, Maine

We went to Orchard Beach on the recommendation of our campground host.  It's a popular family summer beach.  Lots of hotels, motels and bed and breakfasts. Streets full of coastal bungalows that can be rented for a week or more.  The beach has a perfect crescent shape and is 7 miles long.  Apparently, sandy beaches are rare in rocky Maine.  This one is ideal and the little town is charming.  The first set of pictures are of Orchard Beach.  Click the link below, select slide show and F-11 to enlarge. 


Another day we headed to Kennebunkport.  We ended up right in front of the Bush compound.  Wow, nice piece of real estate.  It must be something to sit on the ocean front porch of this place.  We then drove into the village of Kennebunkport.  They have a small, sandy/rocky beachfront.  It's lovely and the houses were just what you'd expect.  The picture to the left is of   Kennebunkport.  On the link below, the first 2 pictures are of the Bush place.

We would recommend visiting both of these places.  They each have their own charm and both places are perfect for a picnic on the beach. 

1 comment:

  1. Nice photo's, even though the Bush place is nice I think I'd be happier to be able to move my house like you, whenever you want. They have the same view everyday, yours changes!
    Lotsa Love,
    Kelly Rocket and Mojo
    PS: How did Pilot like the beach?
